If you were placed on a team, please go online and register for your team(s) under the 2018-2019 Competition Team tab. This will allow you to start receiving important competition team information.
You will also need to register for your TWO REQUIRED SUMMER INTENSIVES under the 2018 Summer Intensive tab! Please see below for team/intensive level assignments:
Motion & Fusion - Pre Intensive
Synergy & Velocity - Beginning Intensive
Vibe & Edge - Intermediate Intensive
Elite & Force - Advanced Intensive
Impact groups will receive assignments after teams are set.
Also, don't forget about the Mandatory Parent Meeting on Monday, June 11th. Meeting times are:
5:30pm - Motion, Fusion, Vibe, Elite & Force, Petite Eminence, Eminence, Sr. Eminence
7:00pm Synergy, Velocity, Edge, Impact Teams, Mini Eminence, Jr. Eminence, Teen Eminence