August Team Newsletter

The New Season is approaching and we are so excited! Here is a quick update.

Team Photos: Just a reminder that team photos are on August 6th and 7th. Please see attached for schedule. Reminder: Dancers should wear red black or white clothes. Hair and makeup can be natural. Please make sure $20 is in your PDA. If you are absent for pictures your PDA will NOT be charged.

Choreography Times & Costs:

August 4th 12-2 (Hip Hop, Christina)
August 6th 12-2 (Hip Hop, Christina)

August 4th 12pm-3pm (Hip Hop, Chelsea)
August 5th 11am-2pm (Hip Hop, Chelsea)

*CHANGE - August 11th 3:30-5:30 (Jazz, Misty)
*CHANGE - August 12th 3:30-5:30 (Jazz, Misty)

August 10th 1-4 (Lyrical, Christina)
August 12th 1-4 (Lyrical, Christina)

August 18th 5pm-9pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)
August 19th 5pm-9pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)

August 4th 4pm-8pm (Hip Hop, Chelsea)
August 5th 3pm-6pm (Hip Hop, Chelsea)

August 11th 5-8 (Jazz, Christina)
August 12th 5-8 (Jazz, Christina)

August 3rd 12-3 (Open, Christina)
August 5th 12-3 (Open, Christina)

*CHANGE - August 11th 6-9 (Jazz, Misty)
*CHANGE - August 12th 6-9 (Jazz, Misty)

August 19th 10am-2pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)
August 20th 9am-12pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)

August 10th 12-3 (Jazz, Tamra)
August 12th 12-3 (Jazz, Tamra)

August 3rd 8-11 (Jazz, Christina)
August 4th 8-11 (Jazz, Christina)

August 19th 10am-2pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)
August 20th 9am-12pm (Hip Hop, Matt & Dana)

August 21st and 22nd – Times TBD (Contemporary, Matt Delly)

Warm Ups/Bags/Jazz Shoes/Spirit Wear
All samples and orders forms of the above items will be at the Studio the week of August 10th. Please come in between August 10-14 and get your items ordered. All of these items will need to be paid for by check at the time of order.

An account that holds your funds for competition team related expenses such as competition and convention fees, competition related costumes. These funds do not pay for monthly dance tuition or any store merchandise (jazz/tap/ballet shoes, tights, store merchandise). We will give notice each time a deduction is made from your account. Please make sure there are sufficient funds in your dancers account. You will receive monthly statements on your account (via email) so you have record of all transactions.

To make deposits into that account:

  • Make the check payable to Dance Unlimited and place it in an envelope with your dancer’s name on the front.
  • Place your payment in the black locked mailbox in office hanging above the desk.

Fall Registration is Open
Please be sure to register quickly so that your classes aren’t too full and prevents you from registering for your required or desired classes.